Ep 40: Kerin Rose - Jewelry as a Bridge Between the Concrete World and the Soul-Based World & the Impact of Selling Art on Your Relationship to Creativity

I’m sure you know how it feels when you meet someone new at an event and within a few minutes you feel you’ve found a kindred spirit? Someone who speaks your language. Well, that is how I felt when I met Kerin Rose… and it’s not because Rose was my maiden name. 

Kerin was a member of a metalsmithing community I belonged to on Etsy. I’m sure if you have listened to the podcast for anything length of time you have heard me talk about EtsyMetal and the positive impact it had on my success as a new business owner. 

I’ve probably known Kerin for 20 years now, but we’ve never sat down and had a conversation together. We would mostly chat about the business of selling jewelry, in our Etsy group forum, or more recently through DM’s. However, Kerin’s jewelry and ceramic work resonated with me on soul level and I knew that we spoke the same language which is why I was over the moon when she agreed to have a conversation with me on Slowmade.

I've personally known Kerin as a wonderful jewelry and clay artist, but I was really surprised to hear her art journey extended far beyond those lines. I think you'll find her story surprising as well.

From Kerin's website...

"I am an artist  and  beauty hunter..... mostly, I am a believer in 'kinship magic'. It means that a person's personal energy can travel through an object. 

How  do we connect more deeply to the natural world?  To each other?  To beauty? To the darker side of human existence? What do the spaces between us mean , and what are they actually made of?  Life is beautiful, and it's also hard...we are asked to hold both of those things  in our hands and heart at the same time. Sometimes, you need a tangible object, a ritual, a symbol of being human. That is where I come in."

Website: ⁠www.kerinrose.com⁠

Instagram:⁠ @kerinrose


Ep 41: Rebecca Lee - Blavk Jewelry, An Intuitive Exploration of Sacred Adornment and Its Capacity for Healing and Protection


Ep 39: Erin Harris - From Social Work to Soul Work & The Art of Creating Meaningful Connections Through Sentimental Jewelry