Ep 34: Anya Chang-DePuy - Wabi Sabi Silver - A Journey That Began In India, Balancing Passions, & Living With Intention on 640 Acres in Colorado

Anya first stumbled across the opportunity to learn the craft of metal smithing while traveling solo in India for 6 months in 2016. Little did she know that her love for the craft would deepen and grow over the years to turn into her own small business of WabiSabi Silver. Anya is committed to living a joyful life that centers around sustainability. She is currently a part of a team that is at the beginning stage of building a natural building/permaculture educational site where her yurt and newly built straw bale art studio live. Her efforts towards sustainability show up in her creations through the stones she chooses and through recycling and reclaiming metals. It also shows up in her creative process, taking time to recharge and spark inspiration through the purposeful work of building community and reciprocal relationship with the land. 

Anya has always loved crafting and building things with her hands and particularly enjoys the meditative quality required of the process. Her hope is to offer pieces infused with a deep care and sweetness that can be felt by the wearer.

To find out more about the sustainable building and permaculture education project Anya spoke of please visit ⁠⁠⁠earthvilleinstitute.org⁠⁠⁠

You can follow Anya and see her beautiful work at the links below.

Instagram: ⁠@wabisabi_silver⁠

Website: ⁠wabisabisilver.com


Ep 35: Kristen Kendrick Bigley: From Sculpture to Jewelry Making, Finding Beauty in the Unexpected, & Navigating Imposter Syndrome as a Part-Time Jewelry Artist


Ep 33: Liz Kantner & Laryssa Wirstiuk - Defining Your Brand and Telling Your Story, Why You Need to Focus on Building Your Email List, & the Importance of Nurturing Your Audience