Ep 32: Tracey Timmons - Owning Her Creativity and Reaching Higher, & How Connecting Face to Face with Her Potential Customers Has Helped Her Grow Her Jewelry Business

Tracey Timmons is an exhibiting artist and metalsmith who creates one of kind pieces of jewelry. She has been metalsmithing for about 10 years and is mostly self-guided, learning through books, videos, and trial and error. Tracey participates in art shows and exhibits her work, preferring the in-person experience where people can see and touch her creations.

Tracey has recently been accepted to exhibit at the Smithsonian Craft2Wear show, which is a major accomplishment for her and she is super excited to create a special body of work for the show.

Like many of us, Tracey faces challenges as a jewelry artist, including occasional feelings of inferiority due to not having a formal arts education. However, she has gained confidence in her abilities and has found her niche in creating one-of-a-kind jewelry pieces inspired by nature, particularly blooms, butterflies, and botanical elements. Tracey values the textures, layers, and colors in her work and enjoys the imperfections and balance she can achieve.

In this conversation, Tracey discusses her approach to creating jewelry and the importance of staying true to herself as an artist. She shares how she balances the desire to sell her work with the freedom to create what she truly loves. Tracey also talks about the role of social media in her business and the challenges of pricing her work. She emphasizes the importance of being part of an art community and shares her goals for the future.

Instagram: ⁠@traceytimmonsjewelry⁠

Website: ⁠www.traceytimmons.com⁠


Ep 33: Liz Kantner & Laryssa Wirstiuk - Defining Your Brand and Telling Your Story, Why You Need to Focus on Building Your Email List, & the Importance of Nurturing Your Audience


Ep 31: Jen Prox-Weisblat - The Value of Community, Organization in the Chaos, & Prioritizing Time for Art, Side Interests, and Family