Ep 28: Liette Murphy: Working Through the Challenges of Growing a Business, Setting Boundaries, & Discovering What Works For You

When I started my business, I didn’t have much of a plan other than making jewelry and selling it so I could make more jewelry. I found Etsy and at that time it was easy enough to navigate. Everything felt “figure outable” to quote Marie Forleo and for the most part it was during those early months.

Every time I would sell something I felt hopeful that I could really do this. But I really was flying by the seat of my pants. I remember looking at the Sundance Catalog, thinking “Ok, I can’t quite price this much since I’m not known, but I can probably price a little under and get away from it.

Each month the goal was the same. Sell enough to buy more materials and put a little in the bank so I could prove to my husband that this was a real business and I could work from home while raising our kids.

I took online courses that catered to online businesses, even jewelry businesses, but though I would pull out some valuable information I really felt that they weren’t a good fit for my business and what I was selling. And I didn’t know any other jewelry artists well enough to bounce ideas off of until I later joined a metalsmithing community on Etsy. That was probably the best thing I ever did for my young business as the members were so supportive and openly shared.

But after I outgrew Etsy, I felt like I was once again alone trying to figure everything out by myself. My problems were different and many of team members I kept in touch with were in the same boat, bobbling along without ores to paddle.

Thankfully now with social platforms many of us have made some really great and supportive friendships and one thing I’ve learned is that you need to be creative when running a creative business. What works for you may not work for the next person, and what you are willing to do may be vastly different than what another artist is willing to do. We really do all need to find our own way.

Today, I’m speaking with Liette Murphy who like so many people affected by the covid lock down decided to go full time with her young jewelry business, Flying Crow Metalworks. You’ll hear her discuss her challenges, her clarity around what isn’t a going to work for her, and how she is trying on different things such as wholesale to see what fits.

I can say even after 20+ years of business, what fits one year doesn’t necessarily fit the next. And I think this fluidness and being able to call the shots is one of the things that still excites me about my business.

About Liette Murphy...

Liette Murphy is an Arizona-based artist who designs and fabricates art jewelry using a variety of metalsmithing techniques. She first learned metalsmithing, blacksmithing, and jewelry design at Pima College in Tucson, AZ in 2006 and has been selling her work since 2011. Her jewelry has a modern and contemporary feel, sometimes eclectic, and always unique. Liette specializes in one-of-a-kind jewelry with the use of unusual stones, or one-off designs that will never be repeated.

Instagram: ⁠@flyingcrowmetalworks⁠

Website: ⁠flyingcrowmetalworks.com


Ep 29: Chris Anderson - His Journey From Law Enforcement To Building Lion Punch Forge, Believing in His Vision, & the Metalsmith Collective


Ep 27: Danielle Cadef - The Value of Planning, Focus, Organization, & Productivity in Building a Financially Sustainable Business Without Losing Sight of What You Love