Ep 22: Ann Chikahisa - Pivoting When Life Throws You a Curveball, Creating Talismans That Empower & Showing Up For Yourself and Your Community

Today, I’m talking with a jewelry artist I’ve been rather obsessed with for a while now, Ann Chikahisa.

Ann creates bold, yet wearable every day jewelry. Her talisman pieces are among my favorite and I’m excited to say that I now own one of Ann’s heart built talismans.

But Ann’s jewelry is one reason I have been enthralled by her. She is doing something so many of us (including myself) have a hard to doing. Ann shows up on camera a lot,… and I mean a lot…showing up for her customers and her community on social media each week. You’ll even hear her talk about how disheartening it feels when she goes live… to crickets. From her videos, to her writing, and her work, her authenticity, positive outlook, and inner light shine brightly, and I when I see that type of light I’m like a moth to a flame.

Honestly I wish we could have talked a little longer. Ann has done some really creative things with her online business and if you don’t already know her, I think you really need to give her a follow. I think you will love her as much as I do.

About Ann...

Ann Chikahisa is a metalsmith and jewelry designer who creates pieces that speak to a woman’s soul and ignites her inner passion.

After a successful corporate sales career, Ann took a creative passion and founded a six figure online business, Chikahisa Studio. She has over 15 years experience as a business owner,metalsmith and jewelry designer where she creates pieces that connect women with their inner power. Her mission is to help women realize their highest potential because it’s never too late! 

Ann and her jewelry have been featured in Sports Illustrated Swim, King 5 News, Refinery29, ⁠About.com⁠ and Blow. She has also been a guest on several podcasts such as Sweet but Fearless  and Instagram Lives. 

Follow Ann...

Website: ⁠chikahisastudio.com⁠

Instagram: ⁠@chikahisastudio


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