Ep 04: Are You Really Charging Enough to Support the Life That You Want?

Are you really charging enough to support the life you want? Well, after a deep dive into my own pricing recently I'm embarrassed to say that I lost all business sense when it came to my pricing structure. Oh I know better. Believe me do. I've taken more business courses, tried numerous formulas, and understand the nuances of perceived value, but when I changed direction with my business structure I let fear step in and manage things.

Today I'm doing a solo episode on this very subject because sometime we need a gentle reminder... or kick in the butt!


Ep 05: Carin Jones - Jonesing for Jewelry, Building the Studio of Her Dreams, and Following The Muse


Ep 03: Tending a Handmade Life and Spirit Guided Intuitive Craft with Kathy Van Kleeck