Ep 64: Robert Thomas Mullen - The Economics of Being an Artist & The Value of Fostering Strong Connections Within the Jewelry Community

I have to say that I was a little nervous initially when I thought of sitting down with Robert Thomas Mullen. He has a list of artistic accomplishments that would make many of us feel a bit “impostery” as artists. However, it didn’t take long for me to relax into our conversation and see that Robert, though extremely talented, had times when he doubted his own work, felt blocked, and experienced many of the same things we all feel but often keep to ourselves. He was honest, introspective, and humble, and I liked him immensely.

Robert shares that having a full-time job helps him be a better artist allowing him the freedom to make for himself first. He talks about his amazing collection of brooches acquired over the years from other jewelry artists, the importance of fostering strong connections within the jewelry community, and his life long passion for collecting interesting objects from nature that one day may find their way into his work.

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Follow Along:

Robert on Instagram: @robertthomasmullen

Robert’s Brooch Collection on Instagram: @my_brooch_collection

Robert’s Website: robertthomasmullen.com

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Ep 65: Heather John - Inspired by the Stones, The Therapeutic Nature of Making, & Finding Your People


Ep 63: Carrie Haase - The Love of Craft and the Challenges of Being a Solopreneur, Finding Balance, & Prioritizing Self-Care